7 Ways To Keep Your Emotions In Check When Selling

How stressful is selling your home? Respondents in one survey ranked it higher than divorce, losing a job, and becoming a first-time parent. Emotions can cause you to make bad decisions at a time when it's important to keep a clear head. Here are some expert tips to keep your emotions in check when selling your home. 

1. Understand Why You're Selling

Have you accepted a great new job offer? Maybe you need more room for your growing family. Understanding why you're selling your home lets you focus on the ultimate goal and keep from being distracted by bumps and curves along the way. 

2. Declutter and Depersonalize

As you prepare to sell your home and move to a new one, reminders of memories made in your current house will become even more important to you. Make a point to clear any clutter and pack up photos, souvenirs, and other personal memorabilia. In addition to minimizing your attachment, this activity will make your home more attractive to potential buyers. 

3. Avoid Expectations

Unfulfilled expectations lead to disappointment, which in turn leads to emotional thinking. For instance, if you set your mind on selling your home within a specific time period and it doesn't happen, you may start to panic and make poor decisions. Deal with the factors you can control and stay flexible with the rest. 

4. Stay Out of Showings and Open Houses

As a home seller, it's only natural to be curious about the reactions of potential buyers, but the homeowner side of you makes it hard to remain neutral in the face of negative comments or disinterest. Make it easier on yourself and buyers by finding somewhere else to be during showings and open houses. 

5. Set an Accurate Sell Price

Your home may be priceless in your eyes, but buyers aren't paying for sentimental value. Don't let emotion cloud objectivity and cause you to scare buyers off with an inflated price. Study the current housing market, particularly in your neighbourhood, and price your home accordingly. 

6. Follow a Positive Lifestyle

When stress causes you to lose sleep or eat poorly, it affects you emotionally as well as physically. Ultimately, you end up in a vicious circle where bad health and negative emotions feed off each other. Don't let the process of selling your home consume your days. Take care of yourself and make time for enjoyable activities to maintain balance. 

7. Hire a Real Estate Agent

The real estate industry is constantly changing, so no matter how many homes you've sold, it's difficult to stay up-to-date on trends, regulations, and market conditions. An experienced real estate agent can skillfully guide you through the process and be an objective third party to keep you on track. 

Selling your home is a potent emotional experience. Acknowledge your feelings, but don't let them take over. Approach the sale as the business transaction it is and pour your emotions into making your new house a home.


Choosing the Ideal Paint Colour when Preparing your Home for Sale

Painting your home, especially the main floor, is the most affordable way to make your listing look great to buyers. But what paint colours should you choose?

Here are a few tips.

 When it comes to selecting a palette, neutrality reigns supreme. Bright, eccentric colours may reflect your personality, but remember, you're trying to appeal to a wide array of potential buyers. Neutral colours like whites, greys, and beiges are not only safe but also allow buyers to envision their own furniture and decor in the space.

 However, don't think of neutral as boring. Many subtle shades can add depth and character to a room. For example, a soft grey with a hint of blue can make a space feel serene and relaxing, and is ideal for bathrooms or bedrooms.

 The living room and kitchen are often social hubs of a home, and warmer neutrals can make these spaces feel welcoming. Shades like taupe or a creamy off-white can make these areas inviting yet versatile.

 Lastly, remember to take lighting into account. The way a colour appears can dramatically change under different lighting conditions. Always test paint samples under various light conditions before committing.


Emphasize the “Outdoor Living” Potential of your Home

Outdoor living spaces have become the new heartbeat of homes — even in the winter. They now serve as an extension of the indoors, a place where homeowners can dine, entertain, and relax. So, it’s smart to emphasize the outdoor living potential of your home when you list.

Your garden is the first outdoor element potential buyers see. Well-maintained, colourful plants can make a fantastic first impression, so keep the garden lush and appealing. Include a variety of perennial and annual plants that bloom at different times in the season. Consider planting in containers or raised beds for easy maintenance, and use garden ornaments sparingly to keep the focus on the natural beauty of the space.

Next, your patio or deck can act as an outdoor living room. Consider staging it to make it look that way. Highlight any attractive, weather-resistant furniture you have. String lights or solar lanterns add a touch of warmth and make the space usable even after the sun sets.

And don’t forget about your barbecue or outdoor kitchen. A well-equipped, clean, and functional outdoor cooking area can be a big draw. Ensure grills, burners, and other cooking appliances are in good condition.

Finally, remember that not all outdoor spaces need to be elaborate. Sometimes, simple lawn chairs or a modest patio set can add to the appeal. The key is to make the outdoor space inviting, no matter how small it is.

One last tip: If you plan to list during winter, ensure you have pictures of your outdoor space during good weather, ideally in summer. Those will be a helpful addition to the listing materials.


Feng Shui-Inspired Home Staging Tips

When you’re selling your home, you want to make it as attractive as possible to buyers. One compelling strategy that has been gaining traction is the application of Feng Shui principles to home staging.


Embracing Feng Shui staging techniques starts with decluttering. Clutter restricts the free flow of 'chi' or positive energy. Hence, a clean, clutter-free space is crucial. It promotes an open, spacious feel, which in turn evokes a sense of tranquillity and comfort.

Natural lighting, a key element in Feng Shui, is another crucial consideration. Bright spaces are synonymous with positivity and openness. Ensuring ample natural light penetrates every corner of the home helps draw positive energy in and makes the space look larger and more inviting.

In Feng Shui, colours hold significant meaning. For instance, earth tones such as beige and soft yellow can create a welcoming environment, while blues and greens, symbolizing water and wood elements respectively, encourage tranquillity. Incorporating these colour schemes can create a balanced and calming atmosphere, which is sure to appeal to potential buyers.

The positioning of furniture also plays a role in Feng Shui. Furniture should be arranged to promote a smooth flow of energy and should not obstruct pathways. In smaller spaces in particular, strategic furniture placement can make the area appear more substantial and organized.

You don’t have to go full-on Feng Shui to make your home look great to buyers. But, implementing a few of these ideas can pay off if buyers get a more positive and serene feeling when viewing your home.


How to Emphasize the Remote Working Potential of your Listing

By all accounts, remote working is here to stay. In fact, according to a survey by McKinsey & Co (a research institute), 58% of workers say they can work at home at least part of the time. So, highlighting the remote working potential of your listing can be a major selling point.

One thing you can do is stage your home by creating a home office space of some kind. It doesn’t have to take up an entire room. It could simply be a nook with a desk and chair. Just be sure the space looks comfortable and functional. If possible, add shelves. And make sure the lighting is adequate for working.

A buyer will see the space and imagine themselves spending hours working there. So, the more pleasant and attractive you make the area, the better. Consider adding a couple of plants and other attractive decor.

If you have an existing home office, declutter it as much as possible and remove personal items. The desk should be clear of papers, files and other items. Also, take down any diplomas and certificates hanging on the wall. You want buyers to picture themselves working there, not you!

By highlighting the remote working potential of your home, you can make it more appealing to buyers looking for a functional and flexible space to work.


Autumn Landscaping Tips when Selling your Home

Landscaping may not be the first thing that comes to mind when selling your home in autumn. However, the outside of your home is still the first thing buyers see, so it’s worth exploring ways to update your landscaping to create a cozy and welcoming feel.

Here are just a few ideas:

1. Add potted plants: Potted plants are an easy way to make your outdoors more attractive, especially along walkways and around your front door. And, because they’re potted, they can quickly be removed should the weather turn inclement.

2. Keep it Tidy: As leaves begin to fall, make sure to rake them up and keep your lawn and landscaping looking neat and tidy. This will help potential buyers see the full potential of your outdoor space without being distracted by clutter.

3. Light it Up: As the days get shorter, outdoor lighting can be a great way to showcase your home's exterior. Consider adding some string lights to your patio or walkway or installing some spotlights to highlight your landscaping.

4. Emphasize Outdoor Living: There is a growing trend for enjoying outdoor living well into the fall. So, emphasize your outdoor living spaces by adding comfortable seating or updating your patio furniture to make it suitable for cooler days and evenings.

5. Add Seasonal Accents: Adding some seasonal accents to your landscaping can help create a cohesive look. Consider adding some pumpkins or gourds to your front porch or incorporating some autumn themed decor into your outdoor spaces.

By following these autumn landscaping tips, you can help make your home more attractive to potential buyers. So, embrace the changing seasons and use your landscaping to create a warm and inviting atmosphere that buyers will love.

Want more tips on how to make your home more attractive to buyers?

Call today.


How to Make Storage Space Look More Spacious and Functional

Buyers will notice closets, storage rooms, and other storage spaces. So, it pays to make those areas look as spacious and functional as possible.

Here are some tips on how to maximize your storage spaces and make them more appealing to buyers:

1. Declutter and organize: A cluttered and disorganized storage space can give the impression that there isn't enough room. Start by decluttering and getting rid of items you no longer need. Then, organize what's left by using shelving, baskets, or containers to keep everything in its place.

2. Paint or replace shelves: If your shelves are looking worn or outdated, consider painting or replacing them. Adding a fresh coat of paint can give the space a clean and updated look. Replace old, sagging shelves with sturdy and adjustable ones to make the space look more functional.

3. Maximize vertical space: Don't overlook the space above your head. Use the full height of your closets by installing additional high shelves or hanging organizers from the ceiling. This will free up space on the floor and make the area feel more spacious.

4. Add lighting: A well-lit storage space not only looks more inviting but also helps you find what you need. Consider adding lighting fixtures or even battery-operated LED lights to your closets and basement storage rooms.

5. Create a designated storage area: If you have items that you don't use regularly, create a designated storage area in your basement or garage. This will keep them out of sight and make your living space feel less cluttered.

By implementing these tips, you can make your storage spaces look more spacious and functional, which can ultimately help you sell your home more quickly and at a higher price.


Simple and Affordable Ideas for Improving Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is important. It’s the first thing buyers see when they drive up to your home — and, often, the first impression they get. Fortunately, you don't have to break the bank to achieve a great-looking exterior. Here are some simple and affordable ideas for enhancing your home's curb appeal:

1. Add a fresh coat of paint: One of the easiest ways to make your home look brand new is by adding a fresh coat of paint to the exterior. Choose a colour that complements the architectural style and surroundings of your home.

2. Upgrade the front door: Your front door is the focal point of your home's exterior. Consider painting it a bold colour, replacing it with a modern style, or simply adding a new doorknob and knocker.

3. Install outdoor lighting: Outdoor lighting not only improves your home's curb appeal but also adds security and safety. Consider adding solar-powered pathway lights, wall-mounted fixtures, or even string lights to your front porch.

4. Update your mailbox: An outdated mailbox can detract from your home's appearance. Consider upgrading to a modern style or painting your existing mailbox with a fresh coat of paint.

5. Add landscaping: A well-manicured lawn and some strategically placed plants can instantly improve your home's curb appeal. Plant colourful flowers or add potted plants to your front porch.

6. Power wash your driveway and sidewalks: Over time, dirt and grime can build up on your driveway and sidewalks, making them look dull and dirty. Rent a power washer or hire a professional to clean them up.

Improving your home's curb appeal doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming. By implementing these simple and affordable ideas, you can make your home more attractive to potential buyers and increase its value. Remember, the first impression is the most important one, so make sure your home's exterior looks its best!


Low-Cost Staging Ideas for the Outside of your Home

When it comes to selling your home, preparing the exterior can be just as important as preparing the interior. The outside of your home is the first thing potential buyers see, and it can greatly impact their first impression of your property.

Luckily, there are several low-cost outdoor improvements that will make your home more appealing to buyers.

First, consider adding some potted plants or flowers to your front porch or entryway. This can help add some colour and life to your home's exterior, and create a welcoming atmosphere for potential buyers. Even in winter, small potted evergreens can have an impact.

Next, consider cleaning up your landscaping. This can include trimming overgrown bushes and trees, mowing the lawn, and removing any dead plants or debris. By doing so, you can make your home look well-maintained and attractive to potential buyers.

You may also want to consider adding some outdoor lighting to your property. This can include adding some solar-powered lights along your driveway or walkway, or even adding some outdoor string lights to your patio or deck. Outdoor lighting can create an inviting atmosphere, and make your home look more attractive to potential buyers.

Finally, consider giving your front door a fresh coat of paint. Your front door is a focal point of your home's exterior, and painting it will make a big difference. If you’re changing the colour, be sure to pick one that complements the façade.

These outdoor improvements don’t cost much, but will increase your home's curb appeal, which is proven to help sell your property faster and for a better price.

Need more advice on how to create the “wow” factor in your home when you sell? Call today!


Creating a Manageable Timeline when Selling

There are several ways to make the selling process easy and relatively stressfree. One way is to create a selling timeline that fits your needs, lifestyle, and capabilities.

Say you’d like to list your home in four weeks and expect it to be on the market for an additional four weeks. That’s an eight-week timeline. How do you create a manageable schedule that works for you? Try these steps:

1. Determine what you need to do to get your home ready for sale.

2. Assign who will be doing what. For example, if you need to paint, will you hire a contractor? Do it yourself? Make a family day out of it?

3. Estimate the time it will take to do those tasks. Then add 50% as a buffer. (It’s easy to underestimate time on tasks.)

4. Look at your current schedule and block out times on your calendar so you can complete those tasks at a comfortable pace.

Go through these same steps for other selling activities, such as finding and meeting with a real estate lawyer, having buyers come to see your property, etc.

When you create a manageable — and realistic — schedule, you may find that most of the stress and worry of selling evaporates. A manageable schedule also ensures you won’t miss anything and then have to scramble.


8 Things Buyers Don’t Want to See in a Kitchen

When prospective buyers visit your listed home, the room they tend to check out most closely is the kitchen. So, it pays to ensure it looks its best.

However, no matter how tidy, clean, and well-adorned you’ve made your kitchen, there are some issues — which can seem minor — that can distract a buyer from appreciating those positive qualities.

Here are just a few to watch out for:

1. Stained sink. Use a specialized cleaner for the type of sink you have. (For example, Stainless Steel Sink Cleaner.)

2. Garbage in the garbage bin. Buyers don’t mind seeing the bin, just not garbage in it! Don’t forget to also empty the organic waste bin.

3. Left-over cooking scents. Avoid cooking anything prior to a viewing that may create lingering odours. For example, not everyone appreciates the aroma of spaghetti sauce!

4. Cluttered countertops. You want the countertops to look spacious to buyers. So remove any items that don’t absolutely need to be there.

5. Old or worn mat in front of the sink. Replace it.

6. Cluttered or disorganized cupboards. Declutter and organize your cupboards. Buyers are most likely to open upper cabinets.

7. Poor lighting. You want the lighting in your kitchen to be bright (but not blinding) and evenly distributed.

8. Damaged or stained countertops. Replacing your countertops can improve your kitchen's look considerably, so it might be worth the investment.

Would you like more suggestions on how to stage your home so that it gains the interest of buyers? Contact us today!


Getting Ready for OPEN HOUSE Day

When you’re selling your property, hosting an Open House will provide an excellent opportunity to attract buyers. Ideally, people will see your property that day and decide to make an offer.

That would be exciting!

So, what can you do to prepare for the day? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Make sure the entire house is clean and tidy. Think of making it “guest ready.”
2. Plan to leave early and come back late. Recognize that people may not arrive nor leave precisely on time.
3. If possible, remove pets. Take them to a friend’s house or pet daycare.
4. If you’re concerned about valuables (such as jewelry), lock them somewhere safe. For example, you can hide them in the trunk of your
5. Avoid cooking the morning of an Open House. The odours may linger.
6. Provide ample space by the front entrance for shoes and boots.
7. If possible, avoid having any deliveries that day.
8. Make sure interior doors are unlocked, including the door to the garage.

Finally, resist the urge to “drop by” and see how things are going. Instead, take the time to do something enjoyable, such as an outing to the park or mall.

Want more ideas for selling your home quickly and for top dollar? Call today.

MLS® property information is provided under copyright© by the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board and Victoria Real Estate Board. The information is from sources deemed reliable, but should not be relied upon without independent verification.