Next to a major kitchen renovation, replacing appliances is the mostexpensive way to upgrade the space. So if you’re purchasing a new refrigerator, stove or dishwasher in order to make your home more attractive to buyers, you want to make wise purchasing decisions.
The most important consideration is how the appliances will look in thekitchen. Ideally, they should match in colour and style. They should also bethe right size for the space. The last thing you want is a fridge that’s so largeit dominates the room, or a stove that’s a completely different style andlooks out-of-place.
Appearance is important, but so are the features. Buyers viewing your homewill scrutinize the appliances. They’ll notice if the fridge has a cold water andice dispenser. They’ll ask if the dishwasher has noise-reduction features.Double ovens and quick-heating burners (which are now available onelectric stoves) will also get a buyer’s attention.
Power consumption is also a big issue these days. Increasingly, buyers areinterested in the energy efficient features of a home — appliances included.So, as your REALTOR® I would point out appliances with energy-savingfeatures, such as a dishwasher with a slow-run cycle that saves power.
Kitchen appliances may seem minor compared to the overall appeal of yourproperty, but they do make a difference. Purchase wisely!
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